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European Professional Woman's Network

connections at International Womens Day,

Celebrating connections at International Womens Day

The ways to celebrate are as diverse as women are. From small scale individual actions in local neighbourhoods and fund raisers for local initiatives to marches and demonstrations to ban violence against women and raise awareness of womens underprivileged position in parts of the world where women still lack access to education and health care; highly politicised in some countries, barely on the radar screen in others.

In Italy, men give women special flowers, mimosa, not romantically, but more out of friendship and as a sign that spring is approaching. In France IWD revolves around the plight of Ingrid Betancourt, the courageous French-Colombian presidential candidate, who has been captured and held by a terrorist organisation since 2002.

European;s contributing artist Caterina Zandonella awarded Best Italian Illustration award

EuropeanPWN in Frankfurt cooperates with The European Space Agency, which has been organising events every year since 2003 in all locations.

Angela Head, management support engineer at ESA says that ESA sees International Womens Day as an ideal occasion to bring everyone together to share different experiences, and promote equal opportunities and diversity.

There is still much to be done in Europe and even more in the rest of the world before women are equals in all aspects of personal and professional life. But as Confucius said, The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step IWD is definitely one of these steps so women, march on!


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