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Bruno Kapetanovic New Business development support

Bruno Kapetanovic: New Innovative Business support and Development of individual ideas and concepts.
Heading to a human centered society



At 53 Bruno Kapetanovic is not only one of the most successful business man in Europe, he may also be one of the most optimistic. In his view the world is taking the next step in civilization. Or in his own words ‘a quantum leap to a better world’. Kapetanovics’ driving idea- the idea that animates his life, that guides him in business and keeps him late in his office in Amsterdam- is that a worldwide change is about to happen. Whereby a human centered society is taking the place of one that serves institutions.Thanks to a rising consciousness of the crowd, triggered by the digital revolution.

Interview Paul van Schaik

Kapetanovic and Mao painting Andy Warhol...

Standing at the threshold of new times The Dutch/ Montenegrin entrepreneur founded the Institute For Forward Thinking (IFFT). This Institute, based in the Netherlands, China and to be established in Russia very soon, links investors and brands to create a new order in worldwide economy. The IFFT is a giant start-up who’s target market is human civilization.

If the media will cooperate, Kapetanovic believes, attention will be directed from fear to creation. The era of fear based thinking, which focused on enemies and threats, is coming to an end. States become less important, in favor to cities. Especially in economics, old enemies become friends and will start collaborating. In the end there is only growth.

Kapetanovic believes in human potential

How this rose color future is about to happen? Individuals need to be more conscious of their needs and talents. If people realize they are unique beings and find out how to contribute their unique qualities to society, then a flow of abundance will take off. This is the law of supply and demand to the max. We are heading to a bright future. The one thing we have to do is skip the extreme control thinking and start creating. Act like ‘gods’. Human species as a whole can function like one giant body. In which every cell has a unique, specific task, thereby contributing to the whole, without concerning the outcome.

And what about world problems as global warming and poverty in third world countries? All this can be improved. If we want. It’s all about sharing knowledge, visions and experiences. And using the right tools and the right skills.

Personally, Kapetanovic sees earning money as a fun game, given the scale of his wealth his possessions are modest. Two cars and two houses, one in Montenegro one in Amsterdam. He wears shirts, tuxedo and jeans. He often needs a haircut. For fun he plays tennis. But if his social ambitions are modest, his intellectual scope is mind-boggling: economy, climate, energy, social order, education reform, to name a few. Bruno quotes Shakespeare, Nietzsche and Marx as if they were personal friends of him. Silently giving away he grew up in the upper class of former Yugoslavia. His profound knowledge of the supposed antonym, capitalistic and communistic state forms, broaden his view. It’s time to get passed the old thinking, he proclaims. Use the best of both worlds and establish a new economy. Human centered.

The IFFT strives for a human centered society what do you mean by that?

At the moment society is designed in favor of the big companies and institutions. A human centered society listens to the needs of people. People are different and have different needs. They are becoming more and more aware of that. I think soon they will raise the finger to the multinationals pushing products down their troths. Maybe in the past they were satisfied buying the same products as their neighbors. This has a lot to do with this strange kind of fear of not being accepted. Humans are social animals. In the end this fear of not being accepted by a social group, originates from a basic fear -which people rather not talk about-: the fear of loneliness.

Can you give an example of this design in favor of institutions?

The best example I can think of is the global financial crisis in 2008. Banks caused a major crisis. They failed big time. And guess what happened? The governments started helping the banks. Which means, indirectly, citizens had to pay for the mistake the institution made. And what happens if people are in debt? Nothing. There’s no substantial help for them. Joe Average feels guilty as hell for not being able to pay his debts. That’s stupid! People feeling depressed for being in debt; for owing money to an abstract idea, the institution. I always like to remind a Greek tradition, which stems from the Old Testament, that every seven years all personal debts were cancelled. That’s what I call a human centered tradition.

To be continued

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